Kuku`s Take Out and Delivery
24 Burnside Road West
Today`s Hours: 11:00 am - 10:00 pm
Delivery: 4:00 pm - 9:30 pm
Delivery Charges $ 7.00 to most of Victoria
Est. Pick-up Time: 20 - 30 mins
Vegetable Specialties
- IndSL
- $ 11.45$ 15.45$ 19.45
- $ 11.45$ 15.45$ 19.45
- $ 11.45$ 15.45$ 19.45
- $ 11.45$ 15.45$ 19.45
- $ 11.45$ 15.45$ 19.45
- $ 11.45$ 15.45$ 19.45
- $ 11.45$ 15.45$ 19.45
- $ 11.45$ 15.45$ 19.45
- $ 11.45$ 15.45$ 19.45
- $ 11.45$ 15.45$ 19.45
- $ 11.45$ 15.45$ 19.45
- $ 11.45$ 15.45$ 19.45
- * All prices subject to change without notice.